Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lincoln Cent Statistics

I've been a bit under the weather this week and have not been active on the social networks or buying/selling much.  Mostly I've been napping, taking it easy, and looking at Lincoln Cent production figures.  I still can't find 2014-S Proof Cent production figures.  I'm not sure if there is some issue with reporting or if it's a gubmint secret but it's not yet available on the US Mint website.

No matter.  I've got just about everything else listed in the Coin Inventory Checklist and there's more than enough data to sift through than I know what to do with.  Here's a snapshot of some interesting statistics:

Total Lincoln Cents Produced:  502,004,675,361
Caveat: Figures not yet available for San Francisco proof issues 2014-date, 2017 Enhanced Uncirculated Lincoln Cents, or a complete total for 2018 as production is in progress.

Proof issues for the 4 years previous to 2014 average 1.45 Million, so a reasonable estimate of the total Lincoln Cents produced would be around 502,013,375,361. 

If production for 2018 is around the ballpark of 2017, by the years end a total of 509 Billion Lincoln Cents will have been produced.

That's a lotta pennies!

Total Number of Wheat Cents: 25,223,293,665

That includes P, D, No D, S, Proof, Matte Proof, Satin Proof, Brilliant Proof, Steel...all of em.  As a percentage of the total, the Wheats account for just over 5% of all the Lincoln Cents ever made, and that figure gets smaller as more Lincolns are produced.  85% of these Wheats were produced after 1933.

Total Number of Memorial Cents: 416,575,026,963
Truth be told, I'll settle for half that in cash.  This is shy of 83% of the total Lincoln Cents produced.  With such a high production figure, it is interesting to note the last box upon which I conducted a census contained 36% Shield Cents.  

Total Number of Modern Lincoln Cents: 60,206,354,733

This includes 2,372,659,372 Bicentennials in all 4 reverse designs, including business strikes, proof, and satin issues.  It does not include the estimated 7 million 2014-Date Proof issues (for now).

Total Number of Proof Lincoln Cents: 

This is the total of the Matte Proofs, Satin and Brilliant 1936, and all subsequent issues through 2013, BUT does not include the estimated 7 million 2014-Date issues because I've not yet nailed those figures down.  A complete collection of Proof Lincolns, including Large and Small Dates and Type 1&2 mintmarks for 1979 and 1981 would contain 85 coins.  Die varieties such as the 1990 No S (less than 200 known specimens), 1971-S DDO, and others would increase the count and impressiveness of a Proof Collection.  The surviving population of some of the early Matte Proofs limits the potential number of complete collections to a few hundred.

1st Year of issue: 1909
1st Year of Memorial Reverse: 1959

1st Year of Shield Reverse: 2010
Number of years with no production at Philadelphia: 1, 1922
Number of years with a P mintmark: 1,  2017
Number of years with a D mintmark: 103
Number of years with an S mintmark: 94
No S-Mint Lincolns from 1932-1934, 1955-1967, after 1974 San Francisco made only Proof Issues. 
No D-Mint Lincolns in 1909, 1910, 1921, 1923, 1965-1967.
1965-1967 Lincolns bear no mint marks even though they were produced at all three mints.
First year of production over 1 Billion: 1941, over 1.1 billion produced at all mints.
First year of production over 1 Billion at a single mint: 1944,
 1,435,400,000 at Philadelphia

Most production in a single year: 1982, 16,729,361,847 at all 3 mints.
Least production in a single year: 1922, 7,160,000, all Denver

Total weight of copper used to produce Wheat Cents, 1909-1958, including proof issues:
161,076,859 pounds, = 80,538 tons

I really should make a point to get out of the house more.

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