Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Friendly Challenge

The Gauntlets are off!
A challenge has been made and accepted between myself and Sylvia, the host of SJ's Mixed Adventures.

We were chatting late one night, she was doing a livestream, I was goofing off.  The subject of selling coins came up.  We could both use some cash (who doesn't?) and selling coins is a fairly simple endeavor as we have done it before and supplement our incomes regularly doing so.  As the
Cotton "Gauntlets"
conversation progressed it developed into a challenge: Who can sell the most in a week?  I don't think either of us cares who wins (as long as it's me!).  We're not looking to outdo each other or vanquish an opponent.  It's a friendly challenge.

The whole point is to show folks how we do what we do and how much we can make in hopes it inspires others to dip their toes in the water.

There's much opportunity to be found in the hobby.  Coin shows, flea markets, auctions, and online selling offers a chance to develop a secondary income.  People do it all the time.  Some folks go to a coin show every few months, setting up a table and making sales as a sideline to their primary job.  Some sell online just on weekends.  I'm at a point in my life when working a full time job is not necessary so I get to do this pretty much anytime I want.

Imagine spending every day on your hobby and making a living doing it!

It's possible.  Becoming self employed as a coin dealer probably won't happen overnight.  Getting involved and making an effort can offer a nice shot in the arm.  In one of the first articles in this blog I explained that as little as $50 per week in additional income is enough for a whole of folks to improve their situation.  That's not a fortune by any metric.  If one can earn this much each week regularly, that extra couple hundred bucks a month would go a long way towards an improved lifestyle.  I know one seller who puts all sales income into a savings account for a downpayment on a home.  A few years effort would get you out of an apartment, into a home of your own.  This seller I mention only works weekend flea markets, 6 hours every Saturday 8-2.  Putting in a day a week to end up with a house in a few years is pretty fantastic.

I'll keep you posted on results as they come in.  I'll be listing coins for sale and auction in the Coin Opp Sales group on facebook.

Good Luck, SJ.  I wish you the best!


  1. Love the Gauntlet Cotton gloves, Ken. You are too funny! I imagine I will be putting some income in both your pockets these coming weeks. If I do my homework enough, I will be able to supplement my income as well. You give me something to look forward to. So glad I met you and SJ early in my collecting hobby. Good luck to both of you!!!

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