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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Counsel Given To A Young Aspiring Coin Dealer

One can earn a comfortable living buying and selling coins. To do so is not dependent on capital investment alone. You will need to establish a reputation, develop a clientele, and learn the subtle nuances within the market which make it possible to consistently make sales and earn those profits. It will take time to get these non-capital systems in place. Until they are in place, you will need a job.
This is one school of thought that says a job is the way to go. Another school of thought says go for your dreams. I suggest a more holistic approach: get a job to take care of you basic needs, all the while supplementing that income with coin sales during your off hours.
The advantages to the job-coin combo beats the other two hands down. You have the steady, dependable job income to cover your basic needs. Surplus from the job will offset the costly mistakes you are sure to make. Income from coin sales can be reinvested to further the development on your reputation, clientele and market experience.
Without the job, starting a coin enterprise from the ground up will likely result in an inability to meet your expenses. You'll have to sell them off at a bargain price to get out of a pickle, and you are left looking for a job.
Without the coin enterprise, a job may not offer the opportunity to develop into a more competent, confident, and affluent person you wish to become.

By all means, do the coins. It offers a bright future.
Also, get a job. It offers a solid foundation upon which to build.

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