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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Setting up a blog

Setting up a blog for the coin collecting/selling/searching project.  This is a bit different than other websites I've put together-never used blogger.com before.  Looks easy enough so far.

Calling it the 1 Million Pennies Project.  One objective is to search through 1,000,000 cents looking for die varieties, errors, oldies, collectibles, and whatever else I may come across that is worth talking about or tossing into a cigar box.

I'd also like to develop a side income with coin and supply sales and ad revenue.  The coin part is easy-I'll be finding the things to sell.  Supplies should be no problem, buy in bulk, sell as able.  Ad revenue demands I offer some content worthy of looking at.  I hope I don't disappoint you.

Lots of things to see and do on a coin blog.  I've been making videos about coin roll hunting.  You can take a look at my YouTube Channel: kpeavey2.  My latest video was about rolling up searched coins to take back to the bank.  Kinda boring for a lot of people, but if you found your way here on purpose you might want to take a look.

One of the most sought after bits of information people have been asking about is a Cheat Sheet: A simple listing of dates and mintmarks with varieties to look for.  I've not checked into the blog template much but I'm guessing I'll be able to update entries.

Let's see if I can add photos.  Found this earlier today: 1996 D with Lathe Lines. 

I suppose I'll have to write up an article about the thing and make a video to go with it.  People learn in different ways.  Some by reading, some by watching, some by getting their hands dirty.  If I can help teach folks what I'm doing, maybe they'll keep coming back and bring their business with them.

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