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Thursday, February 23, 2017

1954 S RPM

Picked up some BU rolls the other day, including 1954-S.  It only took 4 days to arrive which saved me a lot of hair.  Just got into the 54-S roll, took a good look found a few things.  The big prize was this 1954-S RPM-002.  RPM=RePunched Mintmark.  Have a look for yourself.

All these photos were taken with a VHEO Discovery VMS-004.  It does a fair job, but I desperately need to upgrade to something better.  Getting into the details it misses the mark, but there's no stopping my pride.  Colors get washed out.  This coin is on a white card.  Blue?

This is the best I can do with what I have.  Click on the image to get a larger image

The die markers are unmistakable and identify this beautiful specimen as 1954-S RPM-002.

It's important to understand there are often several varieties for the majority of the coins listed on the Cheat Sheet.  The 1954-S RPM is no exception.  Coppercoins lists 16 different RPMs for this date and mintmark.  The nomenclature used on that site gives it the designation 1954S-1MM-002.

Variety Vista lists 15 different RPMs.  This one is attributed as 1954-S RPM-002.  Variety Vista lists CONECA attributed varieties and is more widely recognized.  As a result I give their nomenclature priority.

When I list known varieties for sale I include all cross-references I can find, with the attributor and attribute.  Thus my descriptions would include: Coppercoins 1954S-1MM-002, CONECA 1954-S RPM-002.

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